Hi, My name is Macauley and I am the owner and founder of 
Aqua Cleaning Services

We are a friendly, professional and reliable team that is proud to offer a wide range of Exterior Cleaning Services & Supplies!

My business is my pride & joy and I have spent the past 6 yeas working hard to build it to where it is today! At 18 years old with a young family I took the plunge to set up my own business. I started with residential window cleaning or as I call it my "bread and butter" in my home town! The business grew fast and after 12 months of hard work and determination I was able to expand my business by adding additional services!

From there I continued to push and today I am proud to say my business is very successful with three vans on the road delivering our services & three other members of staff who are amazing part of our team! From cleaning windows, having contacts with some of the biggest factories in the UK and OPENING MY OWN SHOP!
It has been one hell of a ride! 

This year I took a huge step to expand the business further and open a shop! "Aqua Cleaning Services & Supplies" that is based in Widnes! With the experience I have I am proud to be stocking and suppling ALL window cleaning supplies and exterior cleaning chemicals! This is a huge achievement for the business and has been in the making for some time! 

We are also offering a drop in service at our shop where we will be here to support other exterior cleaning/window cleaning businesses with any help/advice they may need!

My reputation of delivering outstanding exterior cleaning service/supplies is important to me. Myself and my team will always go above & beyond for all of our customers because without you all this wouldn't be possible!!! 

We cover the whole of the Northwest and are committed to delivering an exceptional service & achieving the best results with 100% guaranteed satisfaction! 

 We take pride in our work and strive to exceed expectations!